Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I am pumped - can't wait for April 3-9th...Servolution: starting a revolution of serving in our community. Target areas are Kings Park neighborhood, Fountain Park neighborhood and Sheridan Park neighborhood. Outreaches will be in these neighborhoods with a dream of 15-20 outreach teams serving those communities. On April 11th we will have Easter egg hunts for children in each of the parks. While we are doing kindness outreaches in the neighborhoods we will spread the word about the upcoming Easter egg hunt. We need help - people who will lead the teams - can you help? We also need people who will serve on the teams...God is up to something Big!


Unknown said...

Being a part of Servolution was a blast! The people we came in contact with were very appreciate for the services we were providing. It was hard work, but the crews were amazing & served tirelessly! It was cool getting to know some new people from PF, as well! Trusting that God will bring some of those who were served into our fellowship eventually. It is so wonderful to serve God;
and we get blessed, even when He makes everything we do possible. I LOVE that about Him!