Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The church is out of touch, irrelevant, and a waste of time?

"Christianity has an image problem" are the first words of the book called Unchristian. What do people think about Christians and Christianity? Should people's perceptions matter to Christ followers? The book brings out that people are seeming to have little trust in the Christian faith and esteem for the lifestyle of Christ followers. More and more intellectual and emotional barriers are being erected when they are around Christians. What does this mean for us…could this alter people's willingness to commit their lives to Jesus? Next 3 weeks (starting October 11th & 12th) we will be tackling this issue at PF Church...CHECK IT OUT! The series is called..."10 Things I Hate about Church" See you there!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear about the stories of life change as you tackle these common perceptions about the church! This is going to measure "high" on the relevance meter! Way to go!