Saturday, November 1, 2008

Spirit's Leading?

I grew up in a Spirit filled church and have been around the block millions of times (well may not millions but a lot) and experienced many moves of God. There is a tension when it comes to humanity and the works of the Holy Spirit. One thing I do know is…not everything that shouts “Spirit-filled” is really from God. This tension is played out in many churches in some Spiritual abuses using the name of the Spirit but it also is played out in a powerful manner when God truly does move upon a human heart. When the authentic word from God is given to the body in an orderly manner, it brings life and freedom to a group of people who truly desire to have an encounter with God. I love it when God uses man to share his “Now” words to hungry hearers who desire to listen and obey. I am bummed when we fake it or try to make it up or the other side of the issue when a group of people don’t value the words that God has spoken to a faith community. My position as Lead Pastor is to shepherd a faith community who will authentically go after experiencing God to the fullest. The only way I can do that is to provide headship and ask God to lead me as I determine what is from God and what is not and then to challenge the faith community that I represent to value the gifts.

The process at PF church is to provide a setting that is safe but helps all to receive and understand what God is doing in the corporate setting. As the lead pastor, I usually sit in the front row and when people have a gift that they feel is from the Spirit, I then provide the covering that is needed to have a safe setting but also that can be shared in an appropriate manner with the faith community. This is done in our setting with first touching base with the lead pastor or whoever is leading the service and he will assist in when it will be used. This is done so that everybody will benefit and all will understand and value the words that will be shared. The result is the NOW Word has been spoken and many can encounter God more fully with hopefully less abuse. I believe gifts of the Spirit are to being given authentically from the Spirit and orderly so that all can benefit. Let’s be a passionate church who desires to hear from God!